the weather is nice outside …
model: Eva
Hair and assistance: Nathalie
shot on location in Tournai – Belgium
Canon 5Ds with Sigma 50mm f1.4 DG Art
1/125s f1.8 ISO 100
Rolleiflex Tessar 75mm f3,5 – Kodak T-Max 400 film. Scanned on Epson Perfection 3170 Photo, retouched and developed in Photoshop and Lightroom CC.
Have you ever seen Sam Haskins book ‘Five Girls’ ?
Thank you to the model, the location owner, the weather and my friend P. Z. for the camera.
Thank YOU for visiting my blog.
A small series from the same shoot I did with Marion.
The ZEN pool. Magnificent environment and great weather on this early morning.
This is the kind of things you cannot plan before. I hadn’t been at this place in about 10 years. There was no house at that time, and certainly not a pool, so this came kind of as a bonus with the planned old chalk oven on the same location.
Marion felt completely Zen after half an hour of sunbathing and being next to Buddha.
thank you for watching, …