more professions – light setup

people, Personal Pictures, personal tips & tricks, photo gear, Tips and Tricks

And my project on profession portraits goes on.
I have quite some people spontaneously offering to pose for my series of professions. A classical portrait with a – small/not so small – glimpse of the job they do.
Below, you’ll see the library assistant, the plumber, the health coach and the actuaris. For you to find out who’s who, can’t be too hard I guess. – click on the images to view larger if you have difficulties finding out –

for my fellow photography enthusiasts, I’ll include a more detailed light setup, which is actually very simple:

1. I have a black cloth hanging up in the back of the room 3 to 4 meter behind my subject.
2. I have a reportage flash (Canon 580 EXII) in a 70×70 cm softbox from Lastolite on the right of my subject, which is my only light source. It is set at 1/4 +0.7 power and very close to the subject (maybe half a meter). I put it so close because this allows me to lit only my subject, and have the background almost black, thus reducing the post-processing. it is at the subjects head hight, slightly aiming down.
3. I have my large Lastolite tri-grip on the left side, on the ground + my diy reflector on a small stand, I had to use this extra reflector, because otherwise I don’t get enough light on the shadowside, and I recon my own reflector is just a bit more reflective than the trigrip, which is larger but softer.
4. I’m at about 3,5 meters distance from my subject, at about hip-height, to make my subject seem larger and fiercer, more ‘standing out’ I use my 85 mm 1.8 lens, at f8 on a full frame camera, to get a decent sharpness overall.
5. I have different subjects 🙂 They are all uncomfortable with posing, believe me! I ask them to turn their body slightly towards the main light, looking at me. Then we do about 15-25 shots, until I think we have a good shot, representing both the personality and a good pose.

The images are taken in colour, as raw files, and treated in LR afterwards. I use the standard BW settings, but have some minor local corrections with adding or removing exposure. I then remove the unwanted parts in the image (my background is not large enough for this distance, so I need to remove some ceiling that is not black, sometimes I need to move a small part of the reflector on the left.

I hope you like the pictures, if you are willing to pose for me, please give me a sign trough email or by reacting to this post. In return, you’ll get the chosen image in high resolution, free for personal use.
If you have any questions about the setup, ask it.

project professions

people, Personal Pictures

I started a project about professions. It initially started as a small project, but it seems to get bigger than I expected. Basically I make portraits of people I know more or less, with a slight or clear hint to their profession. I want the viewer to first see a portrait, then what his profession is about. I invite volunteers to pose for me, think about what they could bring as a ‘job link’ and try to make a good shot. I do not want them to bring uniforms or special clothing, and the object must be small.
This is what I mean:

I deliberately choose the same setup for all the images, to enhance the ‘series’ effect. Setup is one 70 cm softbox on the right of the model just outside the image frame, my diy reflector on the left of the model also just next to the person posing. All images with 85 mm 1.8 @ f8.

shoot Esmée

people, Personal Pictures

About 6 weeks ago I was asked by the mama of Esmée if I could do a shoot with her. We had to re-schedule two times, first because Esmée got ill, second because Esmée fell on her lip and got a big blue bruise. Two weeks ago we managed to get Esmée in good shape for her first photoshoot. My youngest model to date, but one of a kind. We worked together for about two hours, and she loved it, mam and dad too 😀

For light setup I mainly worked with available light and my diy reflector panel and later in the evening a Lastolite 70 cm softbox with my Canon EX580 flash. My two preferred lenses for this kind of work are the 85 mm and the 135 mm, all shots done with these two lenses.

please enjoy a small selection of the afternoon. Click images to view larger version.

If you liked these images, you might consider subscribing to my blog 😀

Adinda model – post processing

people, Personal Pictures

I have done a short session with model Adinda, and wanted to show you some postprocessing examples of the images that came out.
With the transition to digital photography, digital postprocessing took the role of the earlier darkroom techniques, plus they allow for a lot more creative impact from the photographers side.
The images from Adinda were good, but nothing really special. I took the liberty to experiment in Lightroom, to make them into something more spicey. RAW files let you edit the original exposure data to a great extend, without too much quality loss.
I changed the white balance to a cooler image, with green tinting added in the white balance settings. The exposure went up about 1,5 stops, then I pushed the blacks to keep the contrast. Some minor adjustments to vibrance, contrast and brightness and this is the result.
For comparison, I also show the original files. For you to decide what you like the best.

click for bigger size!


De Acte

exhibition, Personal Pictures

As from today, till 15th of January 2012 you can see two of my large format landscape images presented in Restaurant De Acte in Ronse.
Enjoy your meal if you go there, there’s some really nice food, and now a splendid view on the flemish ardennes while you sip your aperitif. 😉

the images presented are 240 cm wide, about 50 cm high.

Go there with my compliments, you might get an extra appetizer. (I don’t promise)


Model Sharon – herfst

people, Personal Pictures, Uncategorized

In an attempt to get warm after the interior shoot (posing in lingerie in a non-heated building these days is not really cosy and comfortable) we got into the car with the heater on max. and drove to muziekbos, Ronse. There we did these exterior shoots. some different clothing sets, and after a while we got lucky and grabbed some sun-rays. Sharon got cold again at the end. 🙁

first set of three is done with my self made reflector, all the others are available light only. Oh, and the entire shoot was shot with Canon 85 mm 1.8. A very good lens for this purpose, and not really expensive.

Please enjoy this selection. Click to see full size.

Model Sharon

people, Personal Pictures


two weeks ago I did a shoot with Sharon Vandenabeele, from Ronse. She is very much into modeling, and we worked trough a whole series of settings, clothes and locations. Fun working with a model who knows about posing like she did. A selection of the things we did inside, I’ll post the images we did outside in a while. Hope you like them.

Click image to view full size.

tRonsenaarke 2nd Cover image

assignments, Personal Pictures

2nd assignment for ‘t Ronsenaarke, a local advertising and socio-cultural calendar magazine.
Bingo shop is a shop where you can find anything for your household you could possibly think of, in a cheaper version.
Nothing was prepared for the shoot, so I had to setup a decor myself. I have about one-an-a-half hour for such a shoot. Had to be quick.
So if everybody could now please call me the master decoration chief. Thank you 😀

The top empty space will be filled with the magazine cover title. Looks kinda weird like this.

Model Kim

people, Personal Pictures

It is always nice to have a good looking model in front of your lens. When ‘en plus’ she is very easy posing, natural, feeling comfortable and joyful, a photographer couldn’t wish for more. I’m happy to present you some images from a shoot last sunday morning. We had planned an outdoor shoot, but the weather didn’t join in, so we decided otherwise. This is what I would call ‘A short portfolio session’. We worked for about one hour and a half, and only in one location.

Please enjoy, click images to view full size.

A short make-up session, …

… and ready to go.


people, Personal Pictures

I was asked by StudioFX to assist media coverage for the Hong Kong Invest conference, that took place in Luxemburg city, last thursday. I had expected a dull and boring meeting. None the less!
The first speaker, Julia Leung started her speech with the simple yet unavoidable fact that since the delegation got to Europe at the beginning of the week, Europe had lost 2 of its prime ministers. Touché 😉

A short overview of the lunch event:

We had an excellent venue location in the Hotel Royal:

A good bunch of expensive and cute looking people:

Some first class food and drinks:

Eloquent speakers about difficult financial matters:

A rather attentive audience, some moments of self reflection and prayer.

Some really tough questions that needed instant answers.

Some rather unfriendly, but mostly friendly informal meetings.

model Bjorn

people, Personal Pictures

I went for a shoot in the deserted school building in Ronse last week. I had done some urban shoots there before, so I know my way around. I had an arrangement with Bjorn for a shoot. He is thinking about becoming a model and asked me to help build a portfolio. We did some nice stuff with this vandalized building, some flash experiments etc. … We didn’t steal anything, didn’t break anything, but had to scrape glass fragments from our shoe soles afterwards. Welcome to what used to be a nursery-school.
Some images have been re-colored in Lightroom, just for some extra atmosphere and variation in the portfolio, hope you like it.

Gear used: Canon 5DII, 50mm, 85mm, 17-40mm, 135mm, flash with or without umbrella.

There’s more to come, don’t forget subscribing to my blog if you like my posts!

Click to view full size.

Model Mien

people, Personal Pictures

Did a shoot some weeks ago, in the last late summer days of september. We tried some different things, had some fun and returned with some beautiful pictures. Unfortunately the model is very unsure of herself, so she didn’t allow me to publish a lot of pictures. Here a selection. Hope you like them.

On some images you can clearly see the effect of the self made reflector.


click images for bigger picture!

Serafijn Ronse

people, Personal Pictures

on the first of september, I was invited to take some photographs in a newly founded primary school, Serafijn in Ronse.
I had a pleasant morning, photographing moms, dads and kids. The kids were feeling a bit unsure, the moms also I guess. They managed to build a chicken-shed on that very first day, kids loved to put some paint on it!
We didn’t want to publish pictures without the parents consent, so it has taken a while. Some of my favourites, I hope you like them too.

click to view full size!

Isabelle & Laurent

Personal Pictures, wedding

I have been able to join Hung Tran as a second shooter on his latest wedding shoot. He encourages young (me, ahum ) and dynamic (me again 🙂 ahum ) photographers to try to join an established wedding photographer whenever possible, to learn the inside tricks hands-on. I contacted him and have had the opportunity to shoot with him last saturday. As a second shooter you don’t get paid, except in experience. It has been a very fruitful day to me, with lots of things happening, fantastic weather, a great looking couple and a playful atmosphere.

What I’ve learnt especially is that the difference between a good wedding photographer, and a great wedding photographer lies not in his technical skills, but rather in his social abilities. The way Hung handles his audience was a big eye-opener to me. I’ve got a lot to learn.

Thank you Hung, thank you Isabelle and Laurent!

Enjoy this selection of a very inspiring day! – click images to see a bigger version –


home studio shoot

people, Personal Pictures

I did a shoot today, in our attic studio room.
All images exept last one are taken with my new 85mm f1.8.
I bought this lens two days ago, secondhand.
Studio setup:

first image: flash above model (approx 2.5 m – 6 ft) I made a snoot with radiator insulator foil.

Other images: single flash, at the right side, trough 105 cm transp white umbrella, a small styrofoam board at the left side, to lighten up the shadows a bit. (this could have been a bit more, I had a hard time getting enough light there)

It is quite difficult to focus in a dark studio, but I had to cover the windows entirely because there was some sun entering at intervals. Luckily you can work with a small aperture.
Background black has been enhanced a little, because I had some structure coming trough.

I hope you like the images! A big thank you to my willing model and wife Nathalie!