85/85 day 22-28

Personal Pictures, projects

Three weeks have passed since I started this project. I have taken 483 images with this blog project in mind, you’ve seen only 21. πŸ™‚
We have had some sloppy winter times, and today was not better. Rain almost all day long. It inspired me to this shot, my office window in ‘hydro-conditions’.

Day 23 – 2012 01 21 – 15:31 h. – ISO 640 – f2.2 – 1/50sec
Skipped a day in publishing, had a crazy workweek last week, and the result was that I didn’t want to spend time on the computer for publishing today.
A quick shot of my wife preparing for a birthday party in the afternoon/evening. Yes, the walls in our bathroom are olive green. :).

Day 24 – 2012 01 22 – 15:58 h. – ISO 100 – f3.5 – 1/125sec
My parents visited us today, and we did a short walk in very windy weather. I saw this traditional house surrounded by trees just popping up above the hill.

Day 25 – 2012 01 23 – 21:50 h. – ISO 100 – f2.0 – 1/50sec
Enough ranting about my busy working days, let’s show you what I’m doing for a living. This means mainly, besides photography. I’m a self-employed 3D artist, specialized in technical illustrations and animations, working for product marketing, architectural visualization, concept designs, event media etc. and currently working hard to get a project finished for a Mercator exhibition, due for opening begin march. You can see here my main application window, with in the upper-left corner a finished render sample of a digital reconstruction of a 1541 globe, made by Gerardus Mercator, famous cartographer from the dutch lowlands. About the picture, took this quite ‘unprofessionally’ and I had to work slightly of focus, because otherwise I got this terrible ‘moirΓ©’ pattern all over the screen. you can see more of my work here: Renderhouse

Day 26 – 2012 01 24 – 12:16 h. – ISO 400 – f3.2 – 1/50sec
We have a dog and a cat, our cat’s called Zorro, although it’s a female. Our boys choose it’s name, and since she’s almost completely black, Zorro it was. Underexposed this shot 2 stops, to keep the black fur black. Still had to push ISO’s a little, to compensate for a slightly closed aperture. Our previous cat died in 2009, I used to call it our horrible character cat, but Zorro is not much better. I suppose it’s a cat thing.

Day 27 – 2012 01 25 – 14:32 h. – ISO 1600 – f4.0 – 1/100sec – 85mm 1.8 + 36mm extension tubes
Yesterday I bought the 50mm f1.4 lens from Art&Craft in Ghent. Canon does a little promo on this lens, 40 Euro’s off the regular price. I’ve been looking to buy this lens before, and this seemed the right moment. At the same time, I bought the extension tubes set from Kenko. a set of 3 tubes, 12-20-36 mm long. This allows for closer focusing with regular (non-macro) lenses. It passes information about aperture and even AF still works, provided you have enough light coming trough. You loose some light however, since your lens becomes longer. I took this shot of my new lens with the longest tube and my 85mm. Pushed ISO quite a bit, and developed a bit to force contrast and grainy look.

Day 28 – 2012 01 26 – 17:50 h. – ISO 400 – f1.8 – 1/80sec
This is the last day of my fourth week. Sometimes I get the feeling that I run out of stock. No more interesting subjects, but then again, I find something in my very neighborhood that I hadn’t noticed before, or that never got to my attention. Today, on my walk with the dog, I saw a metal panel, indicating the number from a high voltage electricity pole. Two sides of the base have this number plate, you can see the other one too. This picture was taken just after sunset, I kind of liked the color gradient.

Sanne modelshoot

people, Personal Pictures

Sanne is a model describing herself as a ‘Plus model’, this means, not fitting into the ‘ideal size’ category.

We had a fun shoot last week after someone else cancelled on this superb location. Sanne immediately jumped in to take this opportunity! Please enjoy these pictures. Click for bigger images!

The shoot was shot with 85mm, 135mm and wide angle 17-40 (last image). We had a large reflector and an off camera flash, used trough umbrella. Images were shot at ISO 500 – ISO 800 on Canon 5D II.

85/85 day 15-21

Personal Pictures, projects

Two weeks already. One picture a day, one lens, for 85 days.

Day 15 – 2012 01 13 – 10:38 h. – ISO 100 – f2.0 – 1/800sec
A simple orchid, on our window sill. My wife loves to grow orchids, this one is probably a cheap one from Ikea. Again at minimal focus distance, I should buy some extension tubes one of these days πŸ™‚ .

Day 16 – 2012 01 14 – 11:03 h. – ISO 100 – f2.0 – 1/640sec
We moved some wood logs this morning, and the boys worked together finishing off. We enjoyed the good weather on this saturday morning.

Day 17 – 2012 01 15 – 16:23 h. – ISO 100 – f4.0 – 1/250sec
An afternoon walk with my brother and his wife in the ‘pays des collinnes’ – the walloon counterpart of the ‘flemish ardennes’. Nice views, nice but chilly weather and plenty of sun. Overexposed about 2 stops to compensate for the backlight.

Day 18 – 2012 01 16 – 08:12 h. – ISO 100 – f4.0 – 1/30sec
We had such beautiful sky colors today, both in the morning and in the evening. Just after the children left for school this morning I went up the attic (where is my so called studio room) and grabbed this view from behind our house. You can see the flock of birds just setting of.
They gathered on the wire and made a lot of noise. I don’t know what made them leave. This image was taken at 1/30th of a second. Sometimes I dare go way below what is called a safe shutter speed. A steady hand and a window sill to pose your elbows can do miracles.

Day 19 – 2012 01 17 – 13:56 h. – ISO 100 – f2.0 – 1/15sec
This strange thing called optics. I wanted to do a shot with my other great lens, the 135mm. thought of a product shot first, but then I changed my mind and wanted to do something with the wide aperture of this short telephoto lens. At f2, it seems like the lens has no aperture, and is just a wide open tube with some glass elements in it. Then I was curious if I would have been able to get a subject in focus trough an open lens. As you can see, I have to focus quite far in front of the lens, to get the subject sharp. You can probably calculate how far you subject needs to be, when the lens is at infinity, then how far your camera need to be etc. … but I’m just not into maths today. Taken on the wood floor of my home studio, with natural light falling trough the roof-window.

Day 20 – 2012 01 18 – 18:55 h. – ISO 1600 – f2.2 – 1/25sec
I had another very busy day in my 3D-animations business, so I only got to photography just before dinner. At home we have a stove, yes such an old-fashioned wood burning stove. To say more, in our living room it is our main and only heat source. This means we have to get wood every couple of hours to keep it going. It is not only used for heating the room, but sometimes also for keeping food warm, or even for cooking. The large pot you see here is the famous flemish stew, softly simmering for tomorrows dinner. We’ll bake some sausages then to complete.
I had to push ISO’s really high up to keep it steady, to 1600 ISO, but the 5D mark II copes well. Corrected the white balance partially, to keep the warm home feeling a little in the image.

Day 21 – 2012 01 18 – 18:27 h. – ISO 500 – f1.8 – 1/40sec
During my walk with the dog today, I tried some different things, panning was one of them. I shot this ‘mobylette’ at 1/40th of a second, just long enough to get some movement in the surroundings, and short enough to keep things sharp. I should exercise more if I want to use longer shutter speeds. Pushed ISO to 500 to get enough light. Cropped the image a little in post-processing, and I pushed the exposure 2 stops. With the streetlights you get a terrible color cast, but I didn’t want to remove it, otherwise all color disappears from the shot.

fireworks 2012

Personal Pictures

Bommels 2012, Ronse has its carnival on the 2nd monday of the year officially, but actually the saturday before is the main attraction, with the fireworks and all.
Last year we (me and my sons) almost got frozen, we waited for 1 1/2 hour in the cold and didn’t see fireworks, because the organization messed a bit up, and fireworks were delayed by about two hours.
This year they were well on schedule, and we saw a magnificent spectacle. I chose to view the fireworks from a distance, up in the hills surrounding Ronse. My best shots: – click for bigger view –

took them on a tripod, cable release and Bulb exposure mode. This allows for vibration-free shooting, and a controlled amount of firework burst in your shots. All images with 135mm f2 @ f9.0 and ISO 100.

85/85 day 8 – 14

Personal Pictures, projects

So I’ve successfully finished the first week, and almost forgot to make a picture today πŸ˜‰
Some might have taken a look at the Exif data and noticed that the hour was not correct, well actually my camera is still in summertime, and we’re using wintertime now. I choose to show the correct time instead of camera time.

Day 8 – 2012 01 06 – 17:33 h. – ISO 125 – f2.0 – 1/25sec
I had taken my dog for a model, (didn’t like it though, he wanted to take on his daily walk and was too nervous to sit still) and whilst processing the images, the sky colors dramatically changed into a very nice color gradient, which I couldn’t leave unphotographed.
As a coincidence, the neighbor just got home when I grabbed my camera and got near the window. I had just the time for one shot before the car lights went out. Here it is:

You’ll certainly see the dog in a later post or update in this project when I lack subjects again. Expect another image tomorrow.

Day 9 – 2012 01 07 – 14:26 h. – ISO 125 – f2.2 – 1/800sec
I was in Oudenaarde this afternoon and I just wanted to do a quick snap of the 16th century town hall for today. Unfortunately there’s an ugly covered ice rink installed just in front, so here’s a quite unusual angle of this magnificent building, showing some of the detail that has been put into it. We had a bright and sunny afternoon, this is the shaded side, but indirectly lit by the buildings behind me. The light fixtures look a bit awkward, sorry for that, not my fault.

Day 10 – 2012 01 08 – 18:32 h. – ISO 1250 – f1.8 – 1/30sec
I only got the opportunity to take a picture today on my walk with the dog. After sunset already, so pitch-black sky, no moon showing up (full moon today). Promised you to show my dog, the day before yesterday. At the end of the walk, he’s mostly willing to pose. I had to push the ISO quite a bit, to make a handheld shot possible. 1/30th of a second, but possible with a steady hand. Hope you like my dog (the shot is something else). He’s an 8 years old sheltie or shetland sheepdog, and a real cutie. His name is Balou, we adopted him good two years ago. Horrible color shift due to the streetlamps, but I kept it in deliberately, because otherwise the balou lost all color too.

Day 11 – 2012 01 09 – 14:02 h. – ISO 125 – f2.5 – 1/200sec
Very busy day at the office today, lot’s of job to be tackled. Just took a moment off to get some pictures in the garden. A shortcoming of the 85 mm is that the minimal focus distance is about 85 cm, which is a little long for close-up photography. This little dehydrated apple wants to fall into the empty, but the stalk won’t let loose, …

Day 12 – 2012 01 10 – 08:34 h. – ISO 500 – f4.5 – 1/80sec
One day late with publishing today, sorry for the inconvenience πŸ˜‰
I have had a very busy day yesterday. A business meeting in the morning that took a little longer than foreseen, and an unexpected shoot in the afternoon (model had cancelled, but I found another model in extremis, two hours before the shoot). In-between I had to finish my bundle of projects for evening classes. In the evening the evening classes, and this morning, when I loaded the images from yesterday’s shoot, I had an unexpected ” DISK FULL ” message. :O Some strange sky I photographed in the morning. Just about 200 m from my house.

Day 13 – 2012 01 11 – 16:50 h. – ISO 125 – f2.8 – 1/60sec
As a photographer you always will see your own pictures treated last. I’m so happy that at last I found time to do a selection on my 2011 summer holiday pictures, and ordered a photo book. It fell in the mailbox today. I just noticed that I didn’t get an entirely sharp shot here, too excited to look trough the book probably.

Day 14 – 2012 01 12 – 16:25 h. – ISO 100 – f2.5 – 1/80sec
A quick shot while I was waiting in line on the bridge at the end of my street. Opened the passenger window to take this one. This is the train line going to Oudenaarde. Kinda liked the ‘windows’ showing the track and train.

with this one I finished my 2nd week πŸ™‚
Sometimes it’s hard to make an image, but it forces me to go out and photograph, and that is definitely a good thing.

thanks for reading.


85/85 day 1-7

Personal Pictures, projects

Day 1 – 2011 12 30 – 09:01 h. – ISO 100 – f9.0 – 1/200sec
At last some sun in the morning, after an entire week of ‘flat grey’ sky. View from my attic window, eastward.

Day 2 – 2011 12 31 – 16:36 h. – ISO 400 – f4.5 – 1/60sec
During my walk with the dog, I try to spot interesting subjects. Yesterday I saw this window, no interior light, only a christmas tree. Rather dark outside already, so I had to push ISO a bit, to get a stable shot. I still wanted some depth of field, so I slightly closed aperture, to f4.5

Day 3 – 2012 01 01 – 13:22 – ISO 1600 – f2.0 – 1/100sec
Difficult light situation on our new years pizza party. cold light coming from outside, warm light inside. I took this shot of my wife during aperitif time. I wanted to shoot without flash, so I pushed ISO to 1600. Thanks to the 5D II this is not really a problem. I almost always use manual focusing, so also on this one. I have to say that this is barely possible with the standard focusing screen and wide apertures, so I switched to the Eg screen on my 5D.

Day 4 – 2012 01 02 – 10:00 – ISO 200 – f1.8 – 1/80sec
Wide open for this morning shot of the rose (brier?) in our garden. We have exceptional warm weather, but very wet for this winter.

Day 5 – 2012 01 03 – 14:21 – ISO 200 – f1.8 – 1/500sec
Been to Paris yesterday, for a yearly meeting with Dr. Valenti from San Diego, Eye therapy specialist. We had our appointment at 16:30 but we left early at home to do some sightseeing in Paris. Though I’ve been to Paris many times, I’ve never noticed this footbridge before. It’s called the ‘passerelle des arts’, an both its railings are filled with ‘luck lock’s’, some with only names on them, some with a message on them, … literally thousands of small locks fixed to either side. The kids were quite astonished, me too. In the background you can see the ‘Institut de France’.

Day 6 – 2012 01 04 – 17:43 – ISO 2000 – f3.2 – 1/50sec
Today I was in the Mercator Museum in St-Niklaas. With my Renderhouse activities, I have a big assignment for them, making 4 3D-animations for their upcoming Mercator Digitaal 2012 exhibition. I needed some more input on the animations, and a little more information on the original 1541 Mercator earthglobe, one of the main pieces of the museum. I had my camera with me to get some visual reference material. Very difficult lighting conditions (old documents, sensitive to deteriorations when exposed to bright light) so I had to push ISO to 2000. I closed the aperture a little to get some more DOF for sharpness.

Day 7 – 2012 01 05 – 14:10 – ISO 50 – f16 – 1/30sec
The theme of the day was wind. We had a very stormy day, with wind gusts upto 100 km/h (about 65 miles/h) and some damage here and there. I was off to a client all day, and took my camera with me on the road. I wanted to capture some of the movement of the turbine blades, so I took a low iso setting and longer shutter speed, I took this picture from within my car, but I had a very hard time to get a stable shot with a longer shutter speed, because the car was constantly moving with the wind.

This also is my last edit of this first week of the 85/85 project. Next image will be in a new blogpost.
See you soon.

85/85 in daily life project


Hi there,

I think the best way to develop my skills as a photographer is to throw myself into some project from time to time. I have been busy for about a month now with the professions project, which still runs by the way, but I thought I could easily add another one.
I found some inspiration in Bert Stephani’s 50/50 project, but I thought I could do better, … just kidding.
I have bought a secondhand EF 85mm 1.8 Canon Lens now 4 months ago, and I like it better and better, it is not expensive, for a fast, high quality piece of glass, it is light, it has fast AF, it is fairly sharp wide open, … plenty of nice things to say about, so I decided for a ‘one picture a day’ project, with this lens. I will do this for 85 days, starting from tod… no from yesterday, as actually yesterday I saw some beautifully colored clouds, for the first time in about a week we had a sunny morning. So this project is up and running, and will run till march 23rd. (Help)
I will group these images in weekly posts, so expect updates in the existing posts every day, and one new post per week.
Don’t expect the images to be high-class art or very elaborately constructed imagery. Daily life, things I notice, things that please me, can be on assignments or in the chicken shed, …

off we go, thanks for reading, hope you enjoy following this project.

Ps. expect first two images tonight, one I still have to make, one I took yesterday, but now off for some last minute new-years-eve shopping πŸ™‚

struggle for a portrait

people, Personal Pictures, personal tips & tricks, Tips and Tricks

I’m at number 15, people who have come at my studio to pose for the professions project. All people I have photographed are un-easy with posing, and it has been a challenge to make them feel comfortable enough to get a good portrait and a nice depiction of their professional occupation.
Last I had a directors assistant and I would like to show you a bit of the shoot in evolution. I always ask people to bring something related to their job, and to be creative in what they bring (otherwise everybody brings a computer nowadays). She had brought a small calculator and a cellphone, because she does a lot of pricing calculations and she is on the phone half of her working time.

First of all I do a shot to verify my light setup, a quick close portrait will do to check on the detail in the highlights and the shadows.

First we tried with the calculator and a portable home phone I have here at hand. Phone in left hand, phone in right hand, didn’t work out to my feeling.

Ok then, let’s try only the calculator, maybe we’re going to get somewhere, … duhhhh, nope, nothing ‘directors assistant’ alike.

Maybe when we use only the phone, the pose will be less ‘forced’ and more natural, try putting a hand on your hip, nice, but not so ‘verymuchbusywithalotofthingsatthesametime’. This looks more like a well dressed woman calling her friend.

Now what do you really do in your job, I asked Ellen, …
Well, I’m often occupied with a lot of papers, trying to fix a date for an appointment in my bosses agenda, whilst running from here to there, …
Oh, okay, let’s find you some papers, an agenda, a pen, and hold that calculator and phone while I go find what we need.
I gave her some invoices strolling on my desk (she gave them back after the shoot πŸ™ an agenda, a pen, …) and I quickly grabbed my camera.
While she was struggling to get all those things comfortably in her hands, I took a shot, MY SHOT! We did some less panic’y shots for her too, but I had my shot! The directors assistant, getting thrown ten things at the same time to her head, and trying to deal with all of them.

I have no proper background system yet, so I need to do some retouching on the background, painting some areas black, next I do some local adjustments for some extra exposure to the hands, the shadow side of the face, the shadow side of the dress, I add some more exposure to the orange tones and that’s it for my final image.

After that, I took a picture of Ellen and her husband Bart, as a bonus, because I made her work so hard. Thank you Ellen, thank you Bart!

more professions – light setup

people, Personal Pictures, personal tips & tricks, photo gear, Tips and Tricks

And my project on profession portraits goes on.
I have quite some people spontaneously offering to pose for my series of professions. A classical portrait with a – small/not so small – glimpse of the job they do.
Below, you’ll see the library assistant, the plumber, the health coach and the actuaris. For you to find out who’s who, can’t be too hard I guess. – click on the images to view larger if you have difficulties finding out –

for my fellow photography enthusiasts, I’ll include a more detailed light setup, which is actually very simple:

1. I have a black cloth hanging up in the back of the room 3 to 4 meter behind my subject.
2. I have a reportage flash (Canon 580 EXII) in a 70×70 cm softbox from Lastolite on the right of my subject, which is my only light source. It is set at 1/4 +0.7 power and very close to the subject (maybe half a meter). I put it so close because this allows me to lit only my subject, and have the background almost black, thus reducing the post-processing. it is at the subjects head hight, slightly aiming down.
3. I have my large Lastolite tri-grip on the left side, on the ground + my diy reflector on a small stand, I had to use this extra reflector, because otherwise I don’t get enough light on the shadowside, and I recon my own reflector is just a bit more reflective than the trigrip, which is larger but softer.
4. I’m at about 3,5 meters distance from my subject, at about hip-height, to make my subject seem larger and fiercer, more ‘standing out’ I use my 85 mm 1.8 lens, at f8 on a full frame camera, to get a decent sharpness overall.
5. I have different subjects πŸ™‚ They are all uncomfortable with posing, believe me! I ask them to turn their body slightly towards the main light, looking at me. Then we do about 15-25 shots, until I think we have a good shot, representing both the personality and a good pose.

The images are taken in colour, as raw files, and treated in LR afterwards. I use the standard BW settings, but have some minor local corrections with adding or removing exposure. I then remove the unwanted parts in the image (my background is not large enough for this distance, so I need to remove some ceiling that is not black, sometimes I need to move a small part of the reflector on the left.

I hope you like the pictures, if you are willing to pose for me, please give me a sign trough email or by reacting to this post. In return, you’ll get the chosen image in high resolution, free for personal use.
If you have any questions about the setup, ask it.

project professions

people, Personal Pictures

I started a project about professions. It initially started as a small project, but it seems to get bigger than I expected. Basically I make portraits of people I know more or less, with a slight or clear hint to their profession. I want the viewer to first see a portrait, then what his profession is about. I invite volunteers to pose for me, think about what they could bring as a ‘job link’ and try to make a good shot. I do not want them to bring uniforms or special clothing, and the object must be small.
This is what I mean:

I deliberately choose the same setup for all the images, to enhance the ‘series’ effect. Setup is one 70 cm softbox on the right of the model just outside the image frame, my diy reflector on the left of the model also just next to the person posing. All images with 85 mm 1.8 @ f8.

shoot EsmΓ©e

people, Personal Pictures

About 6 weeks ago I was asked by the mama of EsmΓ©e if I could do a shoot with her. We had to re-schedule two times, first because EsmΓ©e got ill, second because EsmΓ©e fell on her lip and got a big blue bruise. Two weeks ago we managed to get EsmΓ©e in good shape for her first photoshoot. My youngest model to date, but one of a kind. We worked together for about two hours, and she loved it, mam and dad too πŸ˜€

For light setup I mainly worked with available light and my diy reflector panel and later in the evening a Lastolite 70 cm softbox with my Canon EX580 flash. My two preferred lenses for this kind of work are the 85 mm and the 135 mm, all shots done with these two lenses.

please enjoy a small selection of the afternoon. Click images to view larger version.

If you liked these images, you might consider subscribing to my blog πŸ˜€

Adinda model – post processing

people, Personal Pictures

I have done a short session with model Adinda, and wanted to show you some postprocessing examples of the images that came out.
With the transition to digital photography, digital postprocessing took the role of the earlier darkroom techniques, plus they allow for a lot more creative impact from the photographers side.
The images from Adinda were good, but nothing really special. I took the liberty to experiment in Lightroom, to make them into something more spicey. RAW files let you edit the original exposure data to a great extend, without too much quality loss.
I changed the white balance to a cooler image, with green tinting added in the white balance settings. The exposure went up about 1,5 stops, then I pushed the blacks to keep the contrast. Some minor adjustments to vibrance, contrast and brightness and this is the result.
For comparison, I also show the original files. For you to decide what you like the best.

click for bigger size!


Bert Stephani

Interesting Links


i found another great resource for aspiring photographers like myself, eager to learn a new trick every day.
Bert Stephani is a Belgian photographer, mainly concentrating on portrait, fashion, model photography.
You can find his site here:


His training web page here:


and I did a search for his youtube videos:

bert stephani on youtube

great inspiration!

De Acte

exhibition, Personal Pictures

As from today, till 15th of January 2012 you can see two of my large format landscape images presented in Restaurant De Acte in Ronse.
Enjoy your meal if you go there, there’s some really nice food, and now a splendid view on the flemish ardennes while you sip your aperitif. πŸ˜‰

the images presented are 240 cm wide, about 50 cm high.

Go there with my compliments, you might get an extra appetizer. (I don’t promise)


Model Sharon – herfst

people, Personal Pictures, Uncategorized

In an attempt to get warm after the interior shoot (posing in lingerie in a non-heated building these days is not really cosy and comfortable) we got into the car with the heater on max. and drove to muziekbos, Ronse. There we did these exterior shoots. some different clothing sets, and after a while we got lucky and grabbed some sun-rays. Sharon got cold again at the end. πŸ™

first set of three is done with my self made reflector, all the others are available light only. Oh, and the entire shoot was shot with Canon 85 mm 1.8. A very good lens for this purpose, and not really expensive.

Please enjoy this selection. Click to see full size.

Model Sharon

people, Personal Pictures


two weeks ago I did a shoot with Sharon Vandenabeele, from Ronse. She is very much into modeling, and we worked trough a whole series of settings, clothes and locations. Fun working with a model who knows about posing like she did. A selection of the things we did inside, I’ll post the images we did outside in a while. Hope you like them.

Click image to view full size.

tRonsenaarke 2nd Cover image

assignments, Personal Pictures

2nd assignment for ‘t Ronsenaarke, a local advertising and socio-cultural calendar magazine.
Bingo shop is a shop where you can find anything for your household you could possibly think of, in a cheaper version.
Nothing was prepared for the shoot, so I had to setup a decor myself. I have about one-an-a-half hour for such a shoot. Had to be quick.
So if everybody could now please call me the master decoration chief. Thank you πŸ˜€

The top empty space will be filled with the magazine cover title. Looks kinda weird like this.

Model Kim

people, Personal Pictures

It is always nice to have a good looking model in front of your lens. When ‘en plus’ she is very easy posing, natural, feeling comfortable and joyful, a photographer couldn’t wish for more. I’m happy to present you some images from a shoot last sunday morning. We had planned an outdoor shoot, but the weather didn’t join in, so we decided otherwise. This is what I would call ‘A short portfolio session’. We worked for about one hour and a half, and only in one location.

Please enjoy, click images to view full size.

A short make-up session, …

… and ready to go.


people, Personal Pictures

I was asked by StudioFX to assist media coverage for the Hong Kong Invest conference, that took place in Luxemburg city, last thursday. I had expected a dull and boring meeting. None the less!
The first speaker, Julia Leung started her speech with the simple yet unavoidable fact that since the delegation got to Europe at the beginning of the week, Europe had lost 2 of its prime ministers. TouchΓ© πŸ˜‰

A short overview of the lunch event:

We had an excellent venue location in the Hotel Royal:

A good bunch of expensive and cute looking people:

Some first class food and drinks:

Eloquent speakers about difficult financial matters:

A rather attentive audience, some moments of self reflection and prayer.

Some really tough questions that needed instant answers.

Some rather unfriendly, but mostly friendly informal meetings.