An afternoon at Hotel Hancelot – Pauline.

beauty, Personal Pictures

I think you know Pauline by now. I love working with her. She’s nice, beautiful, she can be herself or she can put on a role, she’s punctual and joyful. I noticed I never published a color image from this shoot. It’s a shame, because they came out good in color too. Enjoy:

Ludwig Desmet -3481

Ludwig Desmet -3555

Ludwig Desmet -3613

Ludwig Desmet -3614

Ludwig Desmet -3656

Ludwig Desmet -3662

Images taken with Canon 5D mark II and Sigma 50 mm 1.4 (first image) and Canon 100 mm 2.8 Macro. – All available light.

thank you for visiting,


Hot summer days – NSFW

erotic, Nude, Personal Pictures

A single image post.

What it says – hot summer days. Sweaty, but I added some extra drops here and there to cool my subject down. 😉

Ludwig Desmet HH-6479

1/15 s. –  f2.8 –  ISO 250

Canon 5D II with Canon EF 100 mm f2.8 L Macro IS.

thank you for watching.


Ivana at the Mansion – Forgotten series of analog images – NSFW

beauty, Personal Pictures

When I have some more time on a photoshoot, I shoot some images on film too.

One of the rolls of film I’ve shot with Ivana never got published here. It’s a shame, since I think the images are worthwhile. I had been working hard to see the ‘real’ Ivana, not the model, read these posts to know all about it:

Part I

Part II

Part III

in this third part, I also shot some film images. A roll of TMax 400 film on Rolleiflex 75 mm f3.5 6×6 format.

Ludwig Desmet IC-002

Ludwig Desmet IC-003

Ludwig Desmet IC-004

Ludwig Desmet IC-006

Ludwig Desmet IC-007

happy viewing.

See you again soon


ANGRY – Natural light portrait – setup

beauty, people, personal tips & tricks, portrait

luckily this was only roleplay, she was not really angry with me, I would have feared for my life, if not certainly my camera gear. 😉

Ludwig Desmet EC-5

1/20s f2.8 ISO 400 – Canon EF 100mm f2.8 Macro L


long hallway with big windows on the left side, first part of the hallway, no windows to the right.

Model just behind the last window.

Big styrofoam board to the right side of the model, filling in shadow parts. (120x240cm – about 50×100″)

That’s it, simple as anything, and a styrofoam board costs a couple of euro’s.

I had to darken the background a little at the right side, there was some light spill at the end wall of the hallway.

pinehouse gang 1

after the angry part, we did some more friendly images too.

here I’m off to the left, so the right wall becomes visible and I don’t get completely black in the background.

Ludwig Desmet EC-2

below: 1/50 f1.6 ISO400 – Sigma 50 mm f1.4 DG Art

Frontal again, showing very dimly lit ceiling windows, not giving any effect on the subject.

Ludwig Desmet EC-3

Ludwig Desmet EC-4

thank you for watching.


Posing as therapy

Nude, people, personal tips & tricks

Last Friday I had a model expressing her feelings about her artistic nude shoot as such:

‘Every woman should do this at least once in her life. The images from the first shoot (which was a non nude beauty shoot) have given me enough confidence to do this, and this is such an empowering experience on the level of self-esteem and self consciousness that I would encourage everyone to do it.’ She took a lot of business cards. 😀

Body-language is a very important exteriorising of ones self-awareness, self confidence and self esteem. People with hanging and forward pushing shoulders are mostly the less confident ones, they have tendency to bend over to hide and protect themselves from the outer world. They are having a hard time opening up in a photoshoot. I received another testimonial where a woman said ‘I found it a very fine experience, but at the same time I was very much confronted with my vulnerability, my low self esteem and my lack of confidence. You’ll probably see that in the images. I’m very happy I made this step, but I sure have a long way ahead of me.’

On another occasion I have had my model shout out loud in the open forest ‘I am open to the world, to its resources and its wealth, and I’ll give my talents, my beauty and my smile in return’. And I made some images she’ll never forget. I have given her the task to do that exercise on a regular base. When I sent her the first images she thanked me a lot, and told me she would use them for her daily exercise.

I have strong belief that by changing the body-language, even if it was only one time, making some ever lasting images of it, can change a persons vision on who she (or he) is, and more important, who she can be. In that aspect the role of the photographer becomes so much more than the one taking pictures, being able to handle light, exposure, lenses and camera’s. He has to be some kind of a therapist, being able to express comfort and thrust to his model, being able to understand feelings, emotions and personal barriers. He has to be able to pauze and give space when needed, work fast when the process allows. Learning photography is not a hard thing to do, learning peoples psyche is.

for reasons of privacy I choose not to publish any pictures with this post, except the two nameplates that are upon our front door. They match very well indeed.

thank you for reading, comment and share as much as you like.

if you feel like posing could do you good, please give me a sign. If you feel you need some other kind of therapy, contact Nathalie. 😉


Ludwig Desmet therapy

My life is for running

beauty, Personal Pictures

Natacha is into running, no, she loves running … up to 50 kms is ok she told me. I think I’d die.

Her body shows the training and exercise efforts.

I have tried to combine that with some sensuality, and strong personality.

All natural light, Canon 5D II and 50mm/100mm/17-40mm lenses.

Ludwig Desmet_NS-4807

Ludwig Desmet_NS-4824

Ludwig Desmet_NS-4841

Ludwig Desmet_NS-5694

Ludwig Desmet_NS-4752

Ludwig Desmet_NS-4793

Ludwig Desmet_NS-4777

Ludwig Desmet_NS-5660

thank you for watching, leave a comment if you like.


Sunburst – NSFW

beauty, Nude, Personal Pictures

Single image post.

People who’ve seen my exhibition in Gavere (about 850 of you) have seen this image ‘real life’.

Because it relates so well with the current weather here in Belgium and Europe, … free for all.



Canon 5D II with Canon 17-40mm f4.0

1/60s – f11 – ISO100 – 39mm

thank you for watching,


Jenn – Lightroom developed – Step by step.

beauty, Lightroom, personal tips & tricks

Some of my former students asked me if I could try to find out about a particular developing effect she was after, she sent me some sample images and a bit of an explanation what she needed. I tried to figure out what could be done only with the use of Adobe Lightroom ®, I’m currently using version CC 2014. I looked for an interesting image in one of my earlier shoots and found one from this shoot: A very good morning – Jenn at house Adelaïde NSFW ludwigdesmet_JK-3749 The image was rather dark exposed – blame on me. First things first: up with exposure + 1 stop. As I had seen in the sample images, the blacks were not really black anymore, and the highlights were really pale. I wanted to keep the background as dark as possible, so I changed general settings like this: Exp: +1 Highlights: +100 Shadows: -100 Blacks: -42 ludwigdesmet_JK-3749-3 A little harsh maybe :p lots of contrast, but not really appealing to me. to get a more snappy image, and to start trying to find that ‘washed out’ look, I further changed: Clarity: +25 Saturation: -14 ludwigdesmet_JK-3749-4 Then I added four local adjustment brushes, below are the respective masks 1 to 4: 1: The background: Exposure -0,8 stop, to get back to the original dark background (I could have done it the inverse way, and only have painted the model in stead of upping the exposure 1 stop overall.) 2: Skin to get it warmer and softer: Exposure +0,48, Clarity -70, Temp +7 3: Hair, and below eyebrows, to get more lively hair: Exposure 0,46, clarity 30 4: Pull over arm and leg, because I thought the arm was getting a lot of attention: Exposure -0,67 Jenn_local_brushes This is the resulting image after the local adjustments. ludwigdesmet_JK-3749-10 As all of the images had non black blacks, and a slight blue’ish color cast, I used the tone curve for further adjustment, where I changed to linear curve, I upped the left lower point for RGB, and I separately upped the left lower point for blue. (The left lower point are your blacks, by upping them, you make your blacks very dark grays, by separately upping the blue some more, you ad a blue color cast, especially in the blacks) ludwigdesmet_JK-3749-5 but I wanted some more, so I added a split toning effect in the shadow channel: Hue 244, saturation 15 ludwigdesmet_JK-3749-6 after that, some vignetting, sharpening and a little correction here and there, the final image: ludwigdesmet_JK-3749-9 and a small before and after image for your convenience: Jenn before after If you found this step by step developing instructions interesting, you might also like these posts: Kimberly before and after Developing beauty LR4 thank you for watching, I hope this has been inspiring to you.


The Castle shoot – digital

beauty, Nude, Personal Pictures

Nice environment, nice weather, nice model, …

first time in this place, and as I tend to not prepare so much for a shoot it is always a search for an approach. This place has tons of possibilities, …

Eline was worried about her figure, as a lot of women do. I’m happy that I have been able to surprise her with some eye-dropping images. What do you think?

All images Canon 5D II with sigma 50 mm f1.4 or Canon 135mm f2.0.

ludwigdesmet_CD-4394 ludwigdesmet_CD-4405 ludwigdesmet_CD-4416 ludwigdesmet_CD-4469 ludwigdesmet_CD-4486 ludwigdesmet_CD-4493 ludwigdesmet_CD-4514

thank you for watching,

ludwig desmet

The Castle shoot – preview

Analog, beauty, Personal Pictures

A single image from this same shoot (interim model/the engine Room) – in the afternoon we went to this nice little castle up the hills in Ronse. We could freely use the exterior and surroundings of the castle. A great new location. judge for  yourself:

Image taken with Rolleiflex 75 mm Tessar f3.5, on Kodak Tmax400


soon more on this blog

thank you for watching


A little help needed – Pauline


One of my favourite models, Pauline, needs a little push to get her into a master degree in Theatre & Performance. Please consider helping her to get the necessary funding for the Minerval.

Click this link to know more about it:

Ludwig Desmet-PaulineM-3680 Ludwig Desmet-PaulineM-3679 Ludwig Desmet-PaulineM-3677

thank you,


The Engine Room – Part two

beauty, Personal Pictures

the engine room again.

it has beautiful soft light, coming from three sides (left and right up in the wall are windows over the entire length of the room and then the big round shaped window, here facing the model). I rarely use ISO’s higher than 400, but sometimes it gives a little more comfort and ease of use for playing with aperture, and making sure that there’s no camera shake in the images.

1/80s f3.2 ISO500 Canon 5D II with Sigma 50mm f1.4 DG A


thank you for visiting,


Exhibit Opening – Gafodi Fotosalon 2015


You must have heard of it. I have been invited to be the guest photographer at the ‘Gafodi fotosalon 2015’, a yearly event, exhibiting the club’s best work, the results of their national image contest and youth contest, and home for a different guest photographer every year. I have the honour to fill the main stage, … 😎 Last saturday we had the opening ceremony, 200+ audience, with speeches from the president of the club and some other honourable guests, awards ceremony and so on. As the guest photographer I  received a basket full of beers and other goodies. To be consumed AFTER shoots, not before 😉 I also had the pleasure to meet 3 of the models that are in at least one of the images on stage: Pauline, Jenn and Lisa. Thank you ladies, for coming to the opening, it was a pleasure to meet you again, and to be able to present my and your work ‘on a larger scale’. Pauline: Cirrus – actually I present 4 images of this shoot on this exhibit, you should come to see the others. Lisa: Lisa at the Mansion Jenn: Pearls and Sudden Gust of wind The exhibit is open this monday morning, next friday/saturday/sunday, and then again on monday morning. (market day in Gavere) I hope you will be able to make it. Next to my work there’s plenty more good pictures exhibited. ludwigdesmet_Gafodi BTS-2539 ludwigdesmet_Gafodi BTS-2551 ludwigdesmet_Gafodi BTS-2546 ludwigdesmet_Gafodi BTS-2558

The Engine Room

beauty, Personal Pictures

A single image post today, Enjoy. The Engine Room used to be the most prestigious part of the textile factory. It was the place where visitors, customers could see the wealth of the company. Complete with glass in lead windows, tiled arches and so on. …

It was the place where pressurised vapour was created with a steam engine, providing both heat and mechanical power. due to the fact that this room is unaccessible from the ground floor, it has remained unused since the removal of the engine.


  Canon 5D II with Canon EF 24mm f1.4 II L. This image reminds me that some time ago in a digital publication (EOSzine) I have urged the wish to combine model photography with my earlier subjects of urban and landscape photography. I’m getting nearer. 😉 Taken on tripod, multiple exposure blend (1/125 s. of a second at f4.5 for the model and the interior, 1/1000 f4.5 for the windows).

Thank you for watching, and thank you Eline, for being my model.


Interim model – Eline at the storage room.

beauty, Personal Pictures

A good week ago I had a cancelled photo shoot appointment. So I had a free moment for photography and no model. A quick call on facebook soon resulted in an interested replacement model. In her introduction message on FB she said. ” … and I’m not shy” as a reply to my call that ended with the words “Don’t be shy”. That was the day before the shoot.

Eline never posed before, and although not shy, a bit nervous anyway. We have worked over several locations, of which the old storage room was the first. A very dark environment, with a lot of dust and dirt, but Eline didn’t matter and went for it all the way.

Thank you Eline, for being my interim model for a day, you did very well.

All images: Canon 5D mark II, with Sigma 50 mm f1.4 DG Art.


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ludwigdesmet_CD-5337 ludwigdesmet_CD-5202 ludwigdesmet_CD-5239


To be continued …

ps. in a reaction, Eline wrote me:

I can’t express enough my appreciation for your work. I have absolutely no regrets in being your ‘interim model’. Your approach is unbelievably professional and you know how to cover up my physical flaws by guiding me into the right poses. …


the essence of youth – NSFW

beauty, erotic, Personal Pictures

Rolleiflex Tessar 75mm f3,5 – Kodak T-Max 400 film. Scanned on Epson Perfection 3170 Photo, retouched and developed in Photoshop and Lightroom CC.

Have you ever seen Sam Haskins book ‘Five Girls’ ?


Thank you to the model, the location owner, the weather and my friend P. Z. for the camera.

Thank YOU for visiting my blog.


Model photography – Corinne Vionnet style

Personal Pictures, personal tips & tricks, Tips and Tricks

A former classmate from photography classes is currently still following courses in a different institute, to further expand his photographic horizons.

He came with the question ‘if I could figure out how to make a Corinne Vionnet image’ …

Corinne Vionnet has created a series of works, assembling a massive amount of tourists images (1000) into one single image. The resulting image is some kind of a condensed, time-spanning  assembly of the tourist spot at hand.

I’ve tried to assemble similar style images with a limited number of beauty shots. These are the results.

Vionnet style 02 Vionnet style 01


I got interested in this technique, and I thought that I could make a ‘universal female portrait’, so I assembled 45 different images into one portrait. Image here under. Looks funny, but I liked the originals more.

This made me think about ‘Das Parfum’, the novel by Patrick Süskind, where the Jean Baptiste Grenouille tries to capture the essence of young women in a perfume, (he has to kill the women for his perfume) but instead of creating a perfume of youth, he became a monster.  Not that the below image looks like a monster, but it is not exactly a beauty either. 😀 A lot is due to the different angles in which the original faces are oriented in the image. I need to try with ‘straight facing’ portraits next time.

45 female portraits

I think I should experiment a little more with it, to see where I can get to with portrait work. Anyway, my friend was pleased with the results, and I have discovered something new. 🙂


thank you for reading,




Portrait – Mysterious

Personal Pictures, portrait

I’m generally very careful about the integrity and privacy of my models. Usually when I shoot artistic work with a model I contact, I have my models sign an image release contract. This enables me to be able to publish the images on my personal web and marketing platforms (such as this blog), exhibits and book publishing. Mostly they still get the possibility to refuse image X or Y from a selection, if they think they are not beneficial to their personal image. Also they have the option to be published under a different ‘model name’ than their real name.

For people contacting me for a shoot, things are a bit different, they pay me for my work, and although I automatically get the image rights for the pictures I take, I do not have the ‘right of publication’ of them, without explicit consent of the person in the portrait. This is not contract bound, but on an ‘allow or refuse’ free decision of the client.

I made a series of portraits of this lady here. If I asked here, would it be ok if I post an image of this series on my blog, she said ‘no problem, as long as it stays anonymous’.

So here she comes: ‘The mysterious lady from the Brussels region’

Canon 5D mark II, Sigma 50 mm f1.4 DG A, 1/80 s – f1.4 – ISO 400

ludwig desmet Mystery-4844

thank you for reading
