“I had the impression that Ludwig was not really convinced about my determination to pose nude. I think he wanted to be careful not to hurry me into things I didn’t want to.” Then I told him, “I have decided to pose nude, and I want the images to show that I am proud about it. I am proud to be the woman I am, and I am willing to show that to the outer world.ā And that is what I wanted to express, the determination I found within myself to show my body and my nudity to myself, to my husband and to the world. I think no woman should be ashamed or scared about how she looks. Even if it took me a long time to convince myself to pose nude, Iām so glad I did it, and I would encourage every woman to do the same.Thank you Ludwig, thank you to my husband and to Ludwigs wife Nathalie, who helped me trough the process.Elisa
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