Hi All,
some two weeks ago I had Jessika coming over to Ronse.
We had worked together for a shoot at Hallerbos, april last year, and she wanted to shoot again, in a different setting, with different clothing, etc. … Jessika didn’t feel totally comfortable about not wearing any make-up, and she didn’t like the first results of the shoot.
(women tend to be very very self-critical, if you asked me)
Anyway, I think we made some nice, moody shots at the Mansion, but then we got outside, and she put up some make-up 😀
It was during that week that we had a lot of snow here in Belgium, so we combined a shoot at the Mansion, with a wintershoot, on the same afternoon. I had timed quite well, so we got outside with the sun already very low, about an hour before sunset. I had a very nice backdrop this way. I only have one lens capable of doing this, without getting over-the-top flares anywhere in the image, and that’s my Canon 135mm f2. Although some images received some additional contrast in post, overall the images came out very well straight from camera. I hope you like them. No reflectors used this time, only natural light.
In one shot, I added some extra digital snow, to emphasize the cold character.
happy viewing, see you soon!
Mag ik mij even voorstellen. Ik ben Ronny De Smedt, lid van Gafodi Gavere. ( fotografie )
Wij hebben sinds kort ons voorgenomen ons te bekwamen in portret en modelfotografie op locatie met natuurlijk licht en met eventueel flashlicht.
Ik merk in je foto’s dat je steeds mooie locaties weet op te zoeken en dat je kan beschikken over fotogenieke modellen.
Geef jij soms workshops of is enige samenwerking mogelijk om onze doelstelling te realiseren ?
Op 4-feb.-2013 om 14:22 heeft ludwigdesmet het volgende geschreven:
> >
Hallo Ronny, fijn dat je m’n werk goed vind.
Ik was vorig jaar nog op jullie tentoonstelling.
Ik kan zeker een workshop organiseren, kan je me contacteren via email hierover, bedankt,
charlemagne -at- renderhouse.eu
graag tot binnenkort.